“With more than 120 exhibitors displaying the latest railway technology, RSI/CMA 2014 really is a one-stop shop for the most innovative products and services that our industry has to offer,” said RSI President Tom Simpson. “This year, the RSI’s annual trade show and conference will include exhibits from the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers (CARS). In addition, the Coordinated Mechanical Associations (CMA) technical and educational sessions are being held in conjunction with the Railway Association of Canada’s (RAC) Canadian Rail Summit. This first-ever combined event will be held September 21-23, 2014 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal (Montréal Convention Center), and is expected to draw close to 1,500 attendees.”
CARS Executive Director Sylvie Newell added, “We’re pleased to see that demand for exhibit space is strong, and we look forward to co-hosting this event in Canada for the first time.”
The Canadian Rail Summit and CMA sessions will include prominent speakers on key issues such as supply chain competitiveness, safety management systems, tank car safety,and emerging rail technologies. CN President and CEO Claude Mongeau, will give the keynote address at the opening plenary session. Details on the CMA and CRS events can be found here.
Registration options for attendees include a full conference pass for $300 (U.S) or an exhibition-only pass for $250 (U.S.). Full conference registration includes access to the CRS and all of the CMA technical and educational sessions. Fees also cover entrance into the exhibit hall during show hours, the opening plenary session, and all meals and receptions on the exhibit hall floor. Attendees will also have access to a mobile app, ChirpE, which will include session and speaker information, exhibitor lists, exhibition maps, location features and an itinerary planner. Attendees will also be able follow the conference proceedings on social media using the hashtag #rsicma2014.
Online registration information and hotel room block details for RSI/CMA 2014 may be found at http://rsiweb.org/trade_shows/rsicma2014/registration/. For more information about exhibiting or sponsorship at RSI/CMA 2014 or to be added to RSI’s trade show email list, contact Amanda Patrick, RSI, at patrick@rsiweb.org or 202-347-4664 .
For more information about the Canadian Rail Summit, contact Janet Greene, RAC, at janetg@railcan.ca or (613) 564-8109.