Channel: Railway Age
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Amtrak panel to address Chicago gridlock

Written by: William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief

Amtrak has established the Chicago Gateway Initiative, described as “a blue ribbon panel of rail and transportation leaders that will identify infrastructure and operational improvements to address the rail traffic gridlock in Chicago,” because “an unprecedented level of rail congestion is causing major delays for Amtrak passengers and freight shipments that are damaging to the U.S. economy.”

Panel members on the Chicago Gateway Initiative include former U.S. Congressman and past Chairman of the U.S. House Railroads Subcommittee Jack Quinn, former Surface Transportation Board Chair Linda Morgan, and Amtrak board member and past Chairman Tom Carper. “Freight railroads that operate in Chicago and other stakeholders will be invited to participate in panel activities and are key to implementing recommended solutions,” Amtrak said.

“Because Chicago is the hub of the U.S. rail network, and the key gateway between East and West rail traffic, gridlock in the Chicago area is causing major delays throughout the U.S.,” Amtrak said. “The congestion problem is caused by a combination of rising demand on the East Coast for more intermodal freight and crude oil shipments that originate west of Chicago, underinvestment in critical rail infrastructure that produces public benefits, and short-term capital projects that create additional temporary bottlenecks.

 The panel is charged with identifying and evaluating infrastructure investments and operational actions that will optimize Amtrak on-time performance and improve freight rail service. Its objectives are to minimize disruptions and delays, and accelerate the construction of infrastructure projects.”

A final report on recommendations is expected by May 31, 2015.

“The rail gridlock in Chicago is causing unacceptable delays for Amtrak passengers while reducing revenues and driving up operating costs for Amtrak,” said President and CEO Joe Boardman. “

Chicago is Amtrak’s most important hub, and many of its trains that operate to and from the city are suffering from poor on-time performance, dispatching issues, and high levels of freight train interference. For example, delays of four hours or more for Amtrak trains operating between Chicago and Cleveland have become a near daily occurrence. These and other major delays have ripple effects across the Amtrak national system. If Amtrak trains, which have statutory dispatching priority over freight trains, cannot be moved efficiently through the nation’s principal rail hub, then freight shipments will continue to be slowed by gridlock as well.”


The CREATE program has been a concerted effort by freight railroads, Amtrak, and other stakeholders to address rail congestion issues in Chicago and it has achieved several successes,” Boardman noted. “The Chicago Gateway Initiative will build on the CREATE program by re-energizing the conversation, stimulating new discussion about next steps for securing funding to implement CREATE projects, and seeking to improve cooperative efforts among the railroads. Alleviating Chicago rail congestion will be of great benefit to Amtrak passengers and the fluidity of the national freight transportation network. We need solutions and predictable, dedicated funding to make the needed infrastructure investments. Let’s get started.”

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