In Madera County, Route 27 is being raised to eliminate a grade crossing over BNSF and HSR tracks; barrier forms are being built and concrete poured for the Fresno River viaduct, and Avenue 12 and 8 are being realigned to cross over freight and high-speed lines.
In north Fresno construction continues on the San Joaquin Viaduct; in central Fresno State Route 99 is being shifted to make room for the HSR right-of-way. In Fresno, work on the Fresno Trench and State Route 180 Passageway are underway, to take the high-speed train beneath a rail spur, canal and highway 180.
The new, higher Tuolumne Street bridge in Fresno is getting lighting, utilities relocation and other items. When completed the bridge will carry road traffic over Union Pacific and HSR tracks.
In South Fresno work is ongoing to build the supports for the Cedar Viaduct along state road 99 in south Fresno. The viaduct for HSR trains will be 80 feet tall at its highest point.
The $2-billion Central Valley projects form the “backbone” of California’s High-Speed Rail line that ultimately will connect San Francisco with Los Angeles.