The first Bombardier Flexity Freedom LRV for the new Kitchener-Waterloo LRT line arrived Feb. 22, 2017, after a long journey by rail from the carbuilder’s plant in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The car, double-ended and about 95 feet long, was transported on an older railway flat car equipped with rails, flanked by idler flat cars on either side. Canadian Pacific Railway handled the move as far as its Hayward Street yard in South Kitchener. From here, Ontario Southland moved the LRV to its Lancaster Street yard just east of VIA Rail’s ex-CN Kitchener station. It was then taken, at night, by OSR in the consist of one of its regular Elmira freight trains, and set out on the southbound LRT/OSR track across from the LRT maintenance and storage yard on Dutton Street.
The car was the object of considerable media attention during much of its trip from Thunder Bay. During periods when it sat overnight in rail yards the LRV was closely guarded to prevent any vandalism.
On Feb. 24, a brief ceremony was held at the shop complex, attended by local politicians and the media. The LRV was moved inside the shop on Feb., using a Trackmobile railcar mover, a portable unloading ramp, and an idler flat car equipped with a coupler that matched that of the LRV.
The LRV, which is expected bear fleet number 500, is being given a thorough examination and testing in the shop, as well as having necessary equipment installed, before operational testing begins, likely this summer. The next of the 14-car order is scheduled to arrive by June or July. Opening of the line is scheduled for the first half of 2018. The contractor, Grandlinq, is required to have all construction completed by July 31.